People from all over the world are interested in high quality replica bags.

Not only the replica bags are cheap, but also some of the bags are mirror quality and classy.

In this article, we will tell you more about the replica bag business.

1. Which country/ area is the best?

There are suppliers of replica bags all over the world, such as Turkey, South Korea, Japan, The Philippines, China. And there’s no wonder that, China’s replica market are the best developed market all over the world. Apart from the manufacturing, the sales and shipping are also the best among all those countries.

2. Why China is the best ?

Over the past 40 years, since the China’s Reform and Opening Up policy, the copy bag/ shoes industry has been started. Until now, the raw material: leather(like louis vuitton monogram canvas, gucci leather, chanel lambskin/calfskin, hermes EPI, etc ), metal part, dust bag, color box, etc. Thousands of factories in Guangzhou are specialized in manufacturing different parts of the bags. And you may know that, some suppliers of the authentic luxury bags are located in Guangzhou/Dongguan. Some of the them started to manufacturing the bags without the authorize of the brand owner. And it is convenient for those supplier to purchase all the materials from the official supply chain, and they have well-trained workers. And it takes only weeks for those manufacturers to copy a batch of mirror quality bags.

3. Different standard of replica bags in China.

1) Price

a. Price: $0-$150: Almost all sellers you can find on the ads of facebook at this price level are scam. Means they will not ship bag to you after receiving your money.And some sellers from DHgate/ Aliexpress/ Amazon are selling the bags at this price level, they will not ship you the bags with the quality of bags shows on the website, or some of them will ship you the bags with just an lv/gucci logo on it, but have nothing to do with the authentic bags, means neither the out look nor the material.

b. Price: $300-$500: Some of the sellers sell bag at a price of more than $300 or $500, some of them are really great quality. If only they are not scam. As to the leather of the bags, you may know that, even the authentic lv/ gucci are using the man-made canvas but sell the bags with thousands dollars. I think they are over valued. If you spend $300 in China market (without shipping fee), means you can get something same or even better than the so called authentic bags.

c. Price: $200-$300: They are some sellers sell replica bags at this price level, like onlinefakes .Some of the sellers are with good quality control, and fast shipping like UPS/Fedex/Aramex, etc.

4. Is there any website that with cheap price and good quality?

The answer is a Yes. Over the past ten years, my family and I have bought over 100 different bags online from all over the world. There are some a great vendor from China like . This company has tested to be the best among all the bag supplier that we have ever purchased from. Their price are from $150-$300 including shipping fee.And the packages are all shipped via UPS/FedEx, it takes about 15 days to NYC after the order making, sometimes takes 1 week. All the bags that we have purchased are great quality, even much better than those vendors selling at $500/pc. And afterall, they have very good after sale team. We’ve met the situation that there were minor problems for the bags that we’ve got, we contact them and send them photos, they are warm-hearted to help us to handling the issues. My friends, my family and myself are ordering from them on monthly basis. And what’s more, everytime I found something on internet but beyond the scope of their website, they would find it and quote us at a favorable price.

Here are some of the bag photos we from onlinefakes, I just say they are the best I have ever got.

Edited by: valentina Vanhoose, from NYC